Plasma Gun

PlasmaGunCost : 80
Damage : 10
Action point : 1
Defensive mode : no
Mode A : yes
Mode B : yes
Range : 1-10
Accuracy : 100%
Ammo : 10/10
Close combat : no
Skills points needed :
- Constitution : 1
- Light weapon : 0
- Heavy weapon : 4
- Technics : 3
- Medicine : 0
- Leadership : 0

You can use this weapon in two modes. In weapon Mode A, shoots at multiple targets simultaneously. But it will hit anything, your marines including. So don't place them in front of this weapon. In weapon Mode B, you create a stasis field around your troops protecting them from all attacks. The units can fire but not move and it also revitalizes exhausted units.
Number of shots that can be fired from a cold gun before it becomes hot : 2
Number of shots that can be fired after your turn is over before it gets hot again : 1


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