Captain Rutherford parachuted in from the ship and she's fighting her way toward us. She's got our position, and I hope she makes it. If she doesn't, we're all dead.
Objective : open all chests. Reach the red exit area Loss if : captain Rutherford is killed during the mission Enemies : Ray'Ther, Ray'Coo Ammo boxes : 2 Equipment boxes : 12 (50 points, 50 points, 50 points, 50 points, 50 points, 50 points, 50 points, 50 points, 50 points, 50 points, 50 points, 50 points) Space marines : captain Rutherford
Tips : - Ammo runs out quickly here, so don't waste shots. - Use the Jet pack to trick the Scay'Ger. - Use cover when you jump into a room.
Commendations : no
Before mission : Urelis' Final Stand Weapons : light combat gun, advanced combat gun, standard assault rifle, sniper rifle, flame thrower, heavy machine gun, double fire gun, rapid fire machine gun, mine thrower, high energy laser, plasma gun, multi target destroyer Equipment : short range scanner, long range scanner, light armor, standard armor, attack armor, heavy armor, light stimulants, heavy stimulants, munitions pack, medical kit, large medical kit, servo system, targeting system, banner, jet pack, explosion pack
Strategic report : By Troy : A : this is the exit point. B : this is a fairly easy one. Jump to the B which is just behind the small wall. From there the enemy cannot see you so they will not shoot. The will allow you to shoot when your turn comes up again. Kill the two guy's and you will be well on your way. C : this is a fairly easy one. Jump to the C which is just behind the small wall. From there the enemy cannot see you so they will not shoot. The will allow you to shoot when your turn comes up again. Kill the two guy's and Go to D. D : about now ammo is getting low. Three shots to kill the three sca'gar at the start, 2 for each Pyr'Coo, there WERE 4 of them so you probably have used 11. This gives you one kill easily, but two is pushing it. You should be at the door, open it with full movement, kill the guy just inside the door, close it, and jump to the ammo just over the wall. All this is done in one turn. Your turn is now, over. The Pyr'Coo will have jumped over to you on their turn. Open the chest and you have 4 moves to deal with them. One can be killed easily. If you are not sure about the other jump over the wall with your last move. He will be forced to jump and you can kill him then. These chest are then easy for the taking. E : BE SURE YOU ARE JUMPING INTO THE EXACT MIDDLE ! You will be seen anywhere else. Jumping to the F might be easier first. You don't want the guys on the outside to see you either way.You'll want to clear out the side with the ammo box. Go in kill a guy and jump out. The other will follow. Kill them, hope you still have ammo. Jump back in open the ammo, get the chests and do the same thing on the other side of the H. Now that you have all the chests you can go to the exit point A. F : this is a safe spot that can be used to effecivly lure the enemy into a hall when you jump out of the middle. That way you don't get surrounded.
